Lord of the Rings and JPMorgan

Welcome to this edition of
The AI Reverie 

"Reverie" is a state of being deeply lost in one's own thoughts, similar to daydreaming.

Today you will join us in daydreaming about the future created with AI.

Life will be different - quickly - so stay up to date on AI with The AI Reverie

Saturday 6th of January
Today we’ll cover

  • Lord of the Rings-inspired Midjourney Magic

  • JPMorgan’s DocLLM: The Future of Finance Automation

Lord of the Rings-inspired Midjourney Magic

Believe it or not, all of these four images are AI-generated with a simple text promt in Midjourney.

Incredible. Imagine when we can generate high-quality medium/long-form videos from prompts.

JPMorgan’s DocLLM: The Future of Finance Automation

The Reverie
JPMorgan's new DocLLM, trained on 5.5 million documents, excels in understanding complex financial texts without costly image encoders, outperforming state-of-the-art models in most tasks and adapting well to new datasets.

Why should you care? 
DocLLM's development is important because it simplifies complex financial document processing, significantly enhancing finance automation, which could reduce the need for traditional accountant and analyst roles, marking a step towards more advanced forms of automation in the industry.

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It’s safe to say that the (close) future will be highly interesting, and wildly different.

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