FREE premium guide on how to use Perplexity

Sunday Deep-Dive by the Ai Reverie

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Welcome to this Sunday Deep-dive edition of
The AI Reverie 

The only newsletter you need to stay on top of the AI news, tools and tactics.

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We don’t need donations or gifts of any kind, all we ask from you, dear reader, is that you open each email and click at least one link in it.

Thank you,
Now let’s dive in;


AI brews beer and your big ideas

What’s your biggest business challenge? Don’t worry about wording it perfectly or describing it just right. Brain dump your description into AE Studio’s new tool and AI will help you solve that work puzzle.

Describe your challenge in three quick questions. Then AI churns out solutions customized to you.

AE Studio exists to solve business problems. They build great products and create custom software, AI and BCI solutions. And they once brewed beer by training AI to instruct a brewmeister and then to market the result. The beer sold out – true story.

Beyond beer, AE Studio’s data scientists, designers and developers have done even more impressive things working 1:1 with founders and executives. They’re a great match for leaders wanting to incorporate AI and just generally deliver outstanding products built with the latest tools and tech.

If you’re done guessing how to solve work problems or have a crazy idea in your back pocket to test out, ask AI Ideas by AE Studio for free solutions, right now.

Why I Use Perplexity Over ChatGPT

Why I Use Perplexity Over ChatGPT

(This is not sponsored content, but a free guide of a tool I use every day)

Every Sunday I want to teach you how to use AI tools and workflows to excel at your jobs, become more productive and live a better life. Let me know what you think about this format - hit reply and send me some feedback to this email. Let’s dive in;

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, choosing the right AI model for your needs can be a difficult task. Among the MANY options, Perplexity stands out as a preferred choice for many right now, including myself.

This sunday deep-dive goes into the reasons behind this preference, highlighting the features, usage, and benefits of Perplexity over its counterparts like ChatGPT, Bard, and Microsoft Co-pilot.

Check it out here

Key Features of Perplexity

Perplexity distinguishes itself through several key features that enhance user experience and efficiency:

  1. Clean, Simple Interface: Perplexity boasts a user-friendly interface that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. This streamlined design facilitates quick access to information and tools, making the user experience smooth and enjoyable

    Perplexity UI

  2. Co-pilot: Perplexity's "copilot" is a feature that enhances AI responses and reduces hallucinations. When activated, it improves answer accuracy and suggests follow-up questions for deeper exploration. This feature, part of the Pro Plan, allows users to select different AI models for a tailored experience. For example, the Gemini Pro model can be used for in-depth reports, with the copilot ensuring high-quality, contextually relevant responses

  3. Real-Time Information: Unlike other AI models, Perplexity excels in providing real-time, accurate information. This capability is particularly valuable for staying updated with the latest data and insights, making it a superior choice for users requiring up-to-the-minute information

    Sources and real-time up-to-date information and sources

  4. Context Awareness: Perplexity demonstrates an exceptional ability to understand and process context. This feature allows it to deliver relevant and precise responses, especially when dealing with specific queries or topics. Its context awareness surpasses even that of other advanced models, offering users a more intuitive and effective interaction

    Context for the answer


  5. Organization and Collections: One of the most innovative aspects of Perplexity is its ability to organize information into collections. This functionality enables users to categorize and access related content efficiently, enhancing productivity and knowledge management

How to Use Perplexity

Using Perplexity is straightforward, thanks to its intuitive design. Users can easily input queries, explore topics, and create collections for organized information retrieval.

Additionally, Perplexity integrates with tools like Zapier, allowing for automation within communities or projects. This integration facilitates the creation of AI-powered summaries and content, streamlining workflows and enhancing community engagement.

Perplexity Pro

Benefits of Using Perplexity

Choosing Perplexity offers several advantages:

  1. Enhanced Accuracy and Efficiency: Perplexity's real-time information and context awareness result in highly accurate responses, saving users time and effort in obtaining reliable data.

  2. Improved Content Creation and Automation: With features like collections and integration capabilities, Perplexity aids in content creation and automates processes, making it an invaluable tool for content creators and community managers.

  3. Personalized Experience: The platform's design and functionality cater to user preferences, offering a personalized experience that is both engaging and productive.

  4. Access to Cutting-Edge Models: Perplexity continuously updates its platform with the latest AI models, providing users with access to the most advanced tools available. This ensures that users are always at the forefront of AI technology. This is available in the pro version.

In conclusion, Perplexity offers a compelling combination of features, usability, and benefits that make it a superior choice over other AI models like ChatGPT.

Its clean interface, real-time information, context awareness, and organizational capabilities, coupled with its ease of use and integration options, provide a comprehensive and efficient solution for a wide range of applications.

Whether for content creation, community management, or personal use, Perplexity stands out as a versatile and powerful tool in the AI landscape.

I suggest you all check it out,

Let me know what you think about this Sunday format and the perplexity guide - You can just reply to this email. :)

Have a great week.