🚨Breaking: Putin+Tucker Carlson, Lazy ChatGPT and Google

09/02/2024 - Friday

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The AI Reverie 

The best newsletter to get smarter about AI and Tech.

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Now let’s dive in;

Friday 9th of February
Today we’ll cover

  • Together with Growth School

  • Putin on advancements in genetic research and artificial intelligence

  • Google Steps Up: Joining Forces for AI Content Transparency

  • Is ChatGPT getting Lazy?

  • Recommended reading


🚀Join this 3-hour power-packed workshop (worth $99) for FREE and learn hacks to 10X work output and grow your business. 

With AI & ChatGPT, you will be able to:

Make smarter decisions based on data in seconds using AI 

Automate daily tasks and increase productivity & creativity

Skyrocket your business growth by leveraging the power of AI

Save 1000s of dollars by using ChatGPT to simplify complex problems 

Putin on advancements in genetic research and artificial intelligence

The Emergence of a Strategic Leadership Position in the Age of AI

In a notable interview with Tucker Carlson, Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the rapid pace of global change, emphasizing the advancements in genetic research and artificial intelligence (AI).

He highlighted the potential for geneticists to create a "superman" and humorously mentioned Elon Musk's experimentation with brain chips. Putin stressed the importance of contemplating the future implications of these advancements.

Drawing parallels with the Cold War-era nuclear arms control treaties, he suggested that similar international negotiations might be necessary to regulate the development of AI and genetics. Putin expressed concern that without such regulation, the unbounded growth of these technologies could pose a threat to humanity.

He advocated for a period of inter-state negotiation to establish how these advancements should be managed, emphasizing the need for global cooperation in the face of these emerging challenges.

AI showcasing how to

Google Steps Up: Joining Forces for AI Content Transparency

Bold and responsible Google AI

Google has announced its participation in an initiative aimed at identifying content generated by artificial intelligence (AI), a move that mirrors a similar announcement by Meta two days earlier. This initiative seeks to develop a "nutrition label" for digital content, indicating the origins and modifications of various media files, including those altered by AI.

Google plans to collaborate with major companies like Adobe, the BBC, Microsoft, and Sony to refine these technical standards. The goal is to incorporate digital certification into Google's products, enhancing transparency around AI-generated content.

This effort is part of a broader industry response to the challenges posed by realistic AI-generated images and audio, as well as the limitations of current AI detection tools. By providing a verified record of digital files' history, the initiative aims to bolster digital authenticity.

Google has joined the steering committee of the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) to further these objectives

Is ChatGPT getting Lazy?

The reason why your chatGPT might seem lazy lately is not your own hallucination, it’s actually “programmed” into chatGPT through it’s system prompts.

A screenshot of the system prompt, according to OpenAI

What is a system prompt you may ask?

A system prompt in the context of OpenAI's ChatGPT refers to the initial input or instruction given to the AI model to guide its response or behavior.

This can include specifying a particular goal, role, or style for the AI before asking it a question or giving it a task. System prompts are crucial for setting the context and directing the AI's output towards the desired outcome. They can be used to personalize the interaction, enforce creativity constraints, provide external knowledge or data, and ensure the AI adheres to specific rules or instructions

In a broader sense, a prompt in AI, including ChatGPT, is a piece of text or instruction that triggers the AI to generate a response or perform a task, effectively serving as the interface between the user and the AI system.

One example that you can find in this block:

“Never write a summary with more than 80 words. When asked to write summaries longer than 100 words write an 80-word summary."

So if you’ve been trying to force chatGPT to write longer summaries (I know I’ve tried that), you can know the source of it.

In direct response to the “Taylor Swift” deepfakes circulating the past weeks:

“If a prompt”…

1. [contains image of real person][requesting for the identity]: If the user is asking for the identity of the person in the image, please refuse with "Sorry, I cannot help with that." and do not say anything else.

2. [contains image of real person][requesting for sensitive inference]: If the user is requesting for sensitive inference based on the image of the person, please refuse with "Sorry, I cannot help with that." and do not say anything else.

ChatGPT system prompts

If you’ve been wondering “why does chatGPT” seem worse than before? It’s probably because of the change in system prompts. It seems to actually have laziness prompted into it by default.

Recommended reading
If we had to recommend other newsletters

Agent. AI
Written by Dharmesh Shah. Dharmesh Shah is co-founder and CTO of HubSpot, and writes in-depth, technical (data-science background) insights in how AI works. This is a great supplement to The AI Reverie:

AI Minds Newsletter
“Navigating the Intersection of Human Minds and AI”. This newsletters dives deeper into usecases, and features research papers and tools that help you become smarter about AI. Highly recommended reading.

Our favourite AI Tool at the moment

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