AI Robots and AI replacing employees

AI Robots and AI replacing employees

Welcome to this edition of
The AI Reverie 

"Reverie" is a state of being deeply lost in one's own thoughts, similar to daydreaming.

Today you will join us in daydreaming about the future created with AI.

Life will be different - quickly - so stay up to date on AI with The AI Reverie

Monday 8th of January
Today we’ll cover

  • AI Robots

  • When AI will take human Jobs

  • Big Layoffs at Duoligno - Replaced by AI

  • 1990's Blockbuster Movies reimagined as 2024 Pixar films

The Reverie:
Figure, an AI robotics company, revealed its humanoid robot, Figure 01, adept at making coffee after only 10 hours of observational learning from human videos.

  • The robot efficiently used a Keurig coffee maker, demonstrating fine motor skills in handling and inserting the coffee pod.

  • A comparison video highlighted the robot's initial struggles and eventual success, showcasing its learning and self-correction capabilities.

  • Figure's end-to-end training approach involves the robot learning tasks from observing humans from start to finish.

Why should you care? 
This demonstration highlights the exciting future of versatile robotics; Figure 01's end-to-end training shows enormous potential for scalability and adaptability, opening doors to a variety of real-world applications and continuous enhancement in robot performance. (Insert I-robot memes here)

Expert Predictions on the Future of Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Society

The Reverie
The document, titled "Thousands of AI Authors on the Future of AI," is a comprehensive survey of 2,778 AI researchers, exploring their predictions on AI progress, the feasibility of AI achieving various tasks, and its potential social impacts.

  • Researchers predict AI will achieve significant milestones by 2028, including autonomously creating a payment processing site and composing music indistinguishable from popular artists.

  • There's a general consensus that by 2047, AI could outperform humans in all tasks, with a 50% probability, 13 years earlier than previous estimates.

  • The survey reveals considerable uncertainty and mixed opinions on the long-term benefits and risks of AI, including concerns about misinformation, authoritarian control, and inequality.

Expected feasibility of many AI Milestones moved significantly earlier than expected in 2022. Survey from 2022 in blue, survey from 2023 in red

Why should you care?
AI could surpass human ability in various tasks sooner than expected, potentially reshaping job markets and skill requirements.

Big layoffs of translators at Duolingo - Replaced by AI

Speaking of AI surpassing and replacing human employees;

The Reverie!
Duolingo has significantly reduced its team of contract translators, shifting the focus to AI-generated translations. The remaining translators are now primarily tasked with ensuring these AI outputs meet quality standards.

Why should you care?
This shift represents a broader trend in technology where human roles in language learning and connection are increasingly being automated. 

1990's Blockbuster Movies reimagined as 2024 Pixar films

Created in Midjourney, by simple text-prompts. Wow, Midjourney V6 is incredible.

r/midjourney •Posted by u/PhotographThings

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